What We Believe
Our Vision…
To partner with God in His reconciliation of all creation.
Broadway Church of Christ was founded by men and women convinced of this: God longs to be reconciled to His people. He was willing to send His only Son into the world, not to condemn it, but to save it. We humbly recognize we are among those in need of the great sacrifice Jesus was willing to make. Thus, we strive to partner with him in sharing and showing this amazing love to others.
Jesus’ ministry went beyond reconciliation; he transformed lives. His goal was to bring the Kingdom of God to earth, to restore humanity and the world back to the way God originally intended — both now and into eternity. He calls His church to join him in this great adventure.
What We Believe…
JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, our Lord.
HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father through the Son, and indwells every believer, fulfilling His regenerating work of re-creation into Christlikeness.
THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.
SALVATION: We believe that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, as a free gift of God.
BAPTISM: We believe God’s children are called to participate in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection through the process of baptism by immersion. It is an outward testimony of an inward transformation.
HUMANITY: We believe that God created humans, male and female, in His perfect image. We believe the chief aim of humanity is to glorify God.
What We Value…
WORSHIP: God desires his people to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, not only as a corporate body on Sunday mornings, but also in our daily lives as well.
LIFETIME LEARNING: God wants us to engage our minds fully, to learn more about Him and His love for us, and to use that knowledge to engage the world around us.
BELONGING: God created us to be connected to other people, and He calls us to do life with a smaller group of fellow believers, that we might be known and loved as well as know and love them.
SERVING: We believe God has gifted each of us and calls us to use those gifts to build up the body of Christ, His church, and to impact the world, locally and globally.
INVITING: God has called us to be prayerful and courageous in sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus with others. Beginning with our families and extending outward, we believe a strong family attracts the next generation and next-door-neighbor to Christ as the Word becomes Flesh and Blood.
GENEROSITY: God calls us to be radically generous, with our time, talents and treasures, and to use each of those as a means of advancing the work of the church and ultimately the Kingdom of God.