
Message Transcription

Well, we are entering into this season called Thanksgiving. Who are my Thanksgiving people whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving? Thank you. Thank you for being here today. Thank you for being loud and proud. You may have come across some very obnoxious and wonderful people who have skipped over Thanksgiving and already begun playing Christmas music. Well, you know, there are lots of grace. The Lord forgives all sins, so we're going to keep on going. But in this season leading up to Thanksgiving, I want us to spend some time about thinking together about how to be thankful. In fact, that's the the name of this series we're going to look at at three things that I think can help us. And we're going to look at them through the lens of Colossians, the letter to the people in Colossians Theodosia. And we're going to look at chapters two, three, and four of the next three weeks together. And we're going to look at specifically three R's. Hopefully that makes it easier to remember, but we're going to look at what does it mean to be people who receive people who remember and people who reciprocate? How do those three practices, if we'll engage in them, especially in these next couple of weeks together, how might it prepare our hearts for all that God is going to do in this holiday season? As we think together about opportunities that are coming up that we know many of us are going to be gathering with family, and some of us will be gathering with family for the first time without some folks that that we miss and we long for, and we are looking forward to seeing again.

Some of us are going to gather in family situations where it's complicated. If you could list your status on Facebook, it's complicated, right? Relationships aren't always easy. How do we navigate? How do we learn how to speak to and listen to one another? I want us to think some intentionally about this practice of being thankful. It's something that follows Jesus all throughout his ministry, but it also follows his followers, those who would claim to be his people living in the world. We're going to see how gratitude and thankfulness becomes a regular practice because of not only how it shapes us, but the influence and the impact it can have on others. So if you have your Bible, invite you to turn over to Colossians, and we're going to begin in chapter two, we're going to skip over chapter one. I invite you to go back and read through the letter this week. If you haven't in a long time, I invite you to do so. It's a wonderful letter written to the church in Colossae and to those who were around the surrounding areas. As chapter one kind of comes to an end, though, it it feels almost as if Paul has gotten an early copy of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Right? There's this mysterious treasure, and they're going on a treasure hunt. In fact, this is how Paul would write it at the end of chapter one and verse 25, he says, I've become its servant. The gospel by the commission God gave me to present to you the Word of God in its fullness. Paul has received this ministry, this opportunity to to have an impact by sharing and presenting the Word of God in its fullness, the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord's people. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. See God's plan from the beginning of time has his plan that's been in secret. It's been hiding, just waiting to be opened and revealed to God's people. It's now suddenly revealed in and through the person of Jesus. It's not just an idea, it's a person. Something that is so unique about the Christian faith. Paul has found this map to the treasure, and he's inviting as many people as will join him to join him on this journey. He says, I want to present God's Word in its fullness, this amazing mystery, namely Christ in us, the hope of glory.

In our passage today, he's going to tell them pretty specifically who who it is that they are seeking who this treasure, not just what the treasure is, but actually who it is and how to get there, how to avoid some of the dangers that they're going to face. And then how to live through and live out this journey. Turns out the answer is the same in each case. It's the number one super secret answer in church. If you're ever in Bible class and you're wondering what's the answer to this question, the answer is G. Oh come on people. The answer is Jesus, right? This hidden treasure map. The treasure is Jesus, and the map is Jesus and the one who will protect you on your journey as you're searching for this treasure is Jesus. And we're going to hear the secret, the key to this ministry, this idea, this belief living thankful lives. It's Jesus. See? Look again at how Paul lays out each of these pieces. He says, first, Jesus is God's secret plan. I want you to know how hard I'm contending for you. I want you to know how hard I'm striving and working and reaching and preaching and teaching for you and for those that lay out Asia and for all who have not met me personally. My goal. My aim. My desire is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Paul begins with this reminder, this revelation that Jesus is the treasure that they have been longing for their whole life. In those moments when they came face to face with their reality and were wondering, isn't there more to this existence? In those moments when relationships weren't going the way that they were hoping and expecting and they were longing for renewed something different? Paul says, Jesus is that answer. Excuse me? And no one, no matter how smart, no matter how devout, could have figured out this amazing plan. Paul says that has been made known in and through Christ. No one would have guessed that God's amazing secret plan would hinge upon this. This. This Jew living in obscurity. This from a tiny people group with no influence and no power, who would be killed, murdered on a cross. Right, a death, a fate that was only reserved for rebels and slaves. And that somehow, three days later would rise again. No one would have ever guessed. This is the plan. This is the way that God would break his reign, his sovereign and good and saving rule of the world in through this plan. But once these events took place, Paul and all, all his colleagues, all his fellow disciples, began to see that this map actually actually made sense.

And the treasure that this map led them to. It was Jesus himself. Not just some idea, not just some set of beliefs or rules to follow, but actually this person that they could encounter who promised to be with them and would be in them, and that in doing so they would encounter a life that's truly life. Jesus is the answer. See, Paul didn't see the human condition in the way that most people in his day, and even in our day, see it, right? That people are longing for some spiritual experience. They're just longing for something more. And if they could just come to Jesus, he'd provide that experience for them. Paul said, no, no no no no. Jesus is the experience. Jesus is the reality. He's at the center of the cosmos. He's the key to understanding all of life. To understanding any and everything he says. Any and everything worth knowing. This is how Paul would describe him in chapter one. The son Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

See, for Paul, Jesus wasn't just the map on how to find your way. He is the way. He is the one by whom, and through whom, and to whom, and for whom all things were created. He is God's secret plan. Jesus is the clue to genuine human existence. All the wisdom and knowledge, anything that was ever worth knowing is worth knowing would ever be worth knowing. He says it is Christ. It is in him. He is quite simply what it's all about. And this, of course, is a matter of great debate in our world, isn't it? I mean, so many people for a long time, they regard Jesus as simply as a great historical figure. He was a good man, a good teacher. He said some really good things. He did some really good things. But if you want to get on in the real world, if you want to find how to find success and to matter and meaning and purpose in this life, well then you've got to set these, these silly little myths about Saviour and sin and death and brokenness and salvation. You need to set those things aside. Many today regard Jesus again just as a figure, as just another one in a long list of many others. Turns out this was the same danger, the same challenge that the early church in the first century faced. We hear this in Paul's warning.

I tell you this, I tell you who Jesus is and who this mystery turns out to be and why it matters. He says, I tell you all this so that no one would deceive you by fine sounding arguments. For. Though I'm absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is. You see, there were some challenges, some arguments that were coming to a head for this young church that were threatening to deceive or to distract them from the reality of Christ. Some of them sounded plausible, some of them kind of made sense. And Paul says, you're going to be you're going to be tempted to be led astray by these arguments. Like treasure hunters yourselves, you can be pulled off course by those who either don't want you to find the treasure, or who are just trying to throw you into chaos to deceive you. And sometimes it's going to come just in the form of simple questions. I mean, why would God choose to save the world this way? I mean, God is really good. Why would he let all these evil things happen? I mean, why would someone from this tiny, insignificant people who ever who never ruled anything, why would God use someone from their tribe? I mean, we already know that gods protect us. In fact, here in our city, in Colossi or Liardetia, we have lots of gods who who provide lots of things services for us.

This sounds like just another one of them. Mean the Emperor is God himself. He is our Messiah. Why do we need another Messiah? Underneath each of these is this implied threat. That good people or smart people or sound people don't chase after silly myths like this. See, that kind of thing gets someone into trouble. And Paul. Paul's kind of anxious. He's not there physically with them to help them navigate these waters. This young church trying to find a defense against these attacks. So that's why he compliments their discipline. He says, I'm so thankful to hear of your discipline, your firm faith, the language he uses here. We kind of lose it a little bit in translation here into English, but but originally this was the kind of language, this discipline, this order, this structure, this firm holding onto was the language of the military. I'm thankful to see your order, your discipline, the ways that that you have set your life up in such a way that it it prepares you. He doesn't want them to be caught off guard, because sometimes we hear some things that make us wonder. You see, when I worked with college students for many years back in Austin, one of the challenges we had was was not that you would show up and you would hear some crazy idea about, you certainly would hear that.

But really, the the more challenging deception or the folks who came alongside you and tried to. I'm your friend. Look, if you really want to get smart, set this childish game of of church of of religion behind you. That's just an opiate for the masses. It's just trying to distract you from seeing what really matters, because all we're guaranteed is right here and right now, in this moment. I don't look. Don't look too far down the road. Don't let your past weigh you down. Just live for the moment. That sounds kind of. Plausible. Religion is just a crutch. It's just something people lean into when the when the cold, hard truth of life just hits them in the face. Look, all that matters is that you live and then you die and then it's all over. So take advantage of the time that you have while you're alive, because that's all that really counts. It's just a bunch of rules. They're just trying to control you, man. They don't want what's best for you. They just want you to keep giving to their agenda. Don't fall for it. I don't know how the challenges have come to you. I just invite you. What are some of the ways that that you're deceived? To taking your focus off of Christ. What are some of the challenges that you come up against? Maybe it's at school, maybe it's in the workplace, maybe it's in a friends circle or a particular relationship.

Maybe it's with your family. What are some of the ways that that these plausible arguments that are deceptive come into your life? Paul says, don't don't give in. Stand firm. Right. Discipline yourself. You know, I grew up hearing this word discipline. I was not a huge fan. My dad was a disciplinarian. Right. You do it the right way. And somehow that got kind of co-mingled with this word discipline. When I hear Paul talk about it, I think of discipline, military order, structure. You know who's in charge and you do? Yes, sir. No, sir. How high sir, how fast, sir, how long? Sir, we hear this word discipline and it conjures this image in our mind. You don't think that's what Paul's talking about? This idea of disciplining ourselves to fill our minds and our hearts with God's Word. They gather around with his people. It is sing songs of worship that shape and form us. Paul says, I'm so thankful you have each other. That you've committed to holding each other accountable, to holding on to your faith, and to helping others hold on to theirs, because you're going to hear these arguments, and you've got to have a place where where you can defend yourself. You see, church that's part of our job, is we help each other.

That's one of our commitments. Our our values at Broadway is to be a church where we can ask any question. And you're like, Carl, that really makes me nervous. It. Me too. But. Where else do we go? Where else in the world will we go and find the truth that is Jesus? All wisdom and all knowledge. Anything that's ever been worth knowing. Paul says it's in and through and by and for and to Christ. In fact, Jesus says, you'll know the truth and that truth will set you free. So we're a church that's committed to pursuing God, pursuing the truth together. Because Jesus promises. At the end of the day, if you're pursuing truth, you'll find Jesus. So Paul says, don't, don't give up. Don't be deceived. If you have a tough question, bring it into the family of God and let's wrestle with it and let's struggle with it. And let's not settle for simple answers or simplistic ideology. Instead, let's hold on to this fullness that is Christ, right? All the wisdom, all the hidden riches and treasures of knowing God. It's found in Christ, so we don't have to settle. We can wrestle with any question. Paul says, stand firm. Don't be deceived. In Jesus, all the mysteries and wisdom of the world, it resides. Nothing is beyond him. No question is outside of his grasp. No wisdom is too far.

In fact, he says, in him is life. So then, just as you received Jesus Christ as Lord. This is. So then, as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith that you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See, Jesus is not only God's secret plan. And not only is he this great protector who will help us, who will help us navigate, who will protect us from these deceptive arguments, who will pour wisdom into our lives. It says Jesus is the way to life. And so Paul says as you received him. As you received them. Continue to live in him. Root yourself these images of of planting yourself. And the image of the Psalms. The Psalms come to mind of a tree planted by streams of living water. He says, root yourself in Christ, right? The reason we discipline ourselves to spend time in His Word and to gather in little communities and big communities. And the reason that we engage in worship is not because we have to. Right. Like you're ordered to do. No no, no. If we want to stay rooted in him. Because in him all the riches and wisdom of the world is found. And so we root ourselves in him. It's like riding a bike. We keep moving forward. What happens if you're on a bike and you stop? And so we keep pressing forward.

We keep pursuing. We keep moving. Build yourself your life like a wise person, Jesus would say, who build their foundation on a rock. That's how you were taught. Keep at it. You always need more of him because he is what it's all about. Now, when we learn to do this, when we keep learning to receive Christ as Lord into our lives. We learn more about hope and love and life. But not only that, he says, and continue overflowing with thankfulness. See, one of the keys to learning to be a thankful person is learning to receive Christ as Lord. Receiving him into our lives. When we receive from God, we can't help but overflow with thankfulness. When we learn to count our blessings, to see all the ways that God has been at work in us, we can't but help overflow. With thankfulness. These two verses serve as the hinge of the rest of the letter. In fact, if you go back and read Colossians this week and I invite you to do that, what you're going to find is right here. Verses six and seven begin the hinge. Everything that happens before everything that's written before, leads us right up to this moment, and everything that will come from it springs right from these two verses. Just as you receive. Stay firm, stay rooted in that, continually practicing that.

And those who do what you find is you become more and more thankful for the work that God is doing in you. So, church, let me ask you, how is your receiving going these days? How's your posture of gratitude? Are you overflowing with thankfulness? If not, I invite you to consider. Have you stopped receiving? Have you stopped receiving Christ as Lord? Are you continuing to pursue him, to stay rooted in his life? How's God inviting you to stand firm in your faith? How's he challenging you to get back into his word again and again and again? Not because you have to. But to receive Christ as Lord. How is he inviting you to get real with a small group of people? To invite them into your life and to begin to practice confession. Here are the ways that I'm struggling, that I'm that I'm wrestling. Here are the questions. And here are the doubts. And here are the fears. Can you help me hold on. To stand firm in my faith? How are you doing with that? Why do we do it? To receive Christ as Lord. You see, as we learn to. To receive. Then it overflows into thankfulness. I was thinking this week, and part of it is in the midst of football season, one of my favorite sports. I was thinking about how important the position of receiver is. I wrote a play.

It's called. It's sent in to the team and a receiver goes and takes their position. They have no control when the ball is going to come to them. All they can do, all they can do is run the route that they were told to run. Right. They're at the line of scrimmage, and sometimes they have to fight off the hands of someone who's trying to grab and push and direct them in a certain position, but they know where they're going. Instead their challenges to find their way, to run their route and then be prepared to receive the ball when it comes. I think so too. Paul is challenging us. Church. Or are we running our route so that we might be ready to receive? The season of Thanksgiving. I invite you to just to to stop for just a moment. In fact, if you would just now invite you to close your eyes. And just listen once again for that voice of the Holy Spirit who's prompting and who will lead you. Say God. How do I need? To open myself up to you, to receive you as Lord. Maybe the challenge for you is. Is one of remembering and learning and discovering Jesus is the secret plan. He's not only the treasure, he's the treasure map. He's how you find it. Perhaps God's invitation for you this morning is have you received that gift of Christ? If not, would you receive him today? Would you receive him as Lord? There's never been a better day to receive that gift than this time.

This moment right here. Perhaps for you. The invitation is, would you receive Christ again as your protector, as the one who is trustworthy? The one you can take any question, any concern, any problem, any relationship, any struggle to knowing there's nothing beyond his reach. There's nothing outside of his wisdom. There's nothing that he can't fathom, that he can't help you navigate and negotiate. Would you receive that gift today as Jesus, the protector and the guide? Or maybe for you, it's it's learning to receive Jesus as Lord. By rooting yourself in, establishing yourself. Continuing in his life that he's given you. Maybe it's too, to lean more deeply into a small group or a Bible class. Bible study. Maybe it's to to engage yourself more fully in worship. Maybe it's some other way. I'm not sure. God would you bless each and every one of us here today? As we try to posture, position ourselves to receive the gift that you are to us. Christ Jesus as Lord. God, would you help us to receive it? Especially in this season when there's so much turmoil and so much fighting and arguing and bickering? And God, we're heading into a year that's going to be so contentious and so anxiety full. God, would you help us to receive Christ as Lord? Do not give in to the temptation to think that if we just vote the right person in, then everything will be.

No no no no no. Jesus is Lord. And it's only when he is in our hearts ruling. That we find the peace that's truly peace. The life that's truly life. Cabbage. You help us to hear what it is that you have to give to us that challenge. And God, would you give us courage? Courage to follow whatever it is that you've called us to? Whatever route you have given us to run, God, would you help us to run it full speed and reckless abandon, knowing and trusting and believing that you have a gift to give to us? And father, if there's a way that maybe, maybe our invitation is to come alongside someone who's struggling. Or maybe he's at the beginning of learning how to receive this gift. Who's on a treasure hunt? And they're not sure if they're even using the right map. God, would you help us? Would you give us the courage to share our map with them? And may we live such lives of overflowing thankfulness that people can't help but stop and see your amazing, amazing power at work in our life. May they seed in our hope. Yeah. May they sit in our peace. Most of all, father, may they see it in our love. Oh God, may this be true for us. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.



